A lot has occurred since our last update. You probably remember our new home as a ramshackle, dust ridden open room with a lot of work left to be done. Well, it still is, only, it now has the 4 of us living in it. Living large we must add. A kind fellow named Larry, whom we will approximate to be roughly 55 years of age judging by his wedding album, was kind enough to leave some of his stuff in the back room. These forgotten pieces of Larry's past quickly evolved into tangible fun for the band. Amidst the piles of belongings were an aero bed (now sean's bed), 3 tennis racquets, and possibly the most delightful of all, The Chocolate Bin. What is this chocolate bin we speak of? Perhaps the above image tipped you off. Long story short, it's a 50 lb box full of foil-wrapped chocolate Santa Clauses. The chocolate is all aged to perfection, and we shall unload these delicious items on the black market once the season hits. Thank you Larry.

A joyous realization...

and the not so joyous, going to bed while wearing a dust mask...

After an evening of cleaning and chocolate consumption, Tim, Josh and I took to the courts for some Tennis. We reenacted the great Kournikova vs. Kafelnikov/Borg canadian doubles match of 1994, starring Tim, Josh, and Sean, respectively. To the bewilderment of our guest celebrity judge, Flavagher, history repeated itself, and Kournikova went home the victor.

For anyone who forgets who Flavagher is, he is the love child of Flava Flav and famous prop-comedian Gallagher. He also goes by the surname Mayweather, and is popularly referred to as Floyd Mayweather Sr. in the media spotlight.

Another night or 2 of inconclusive crap occurred and then we all parted ways for the weekend. We are now back, living hard, and waiting for our kitchen to be installed. As you can tell, absolutely nothing of importance has occurred over the past 2 weeks. For good measure, here is a live video of us performing The Fabulist at the Lion's Den over the summer. Enjoy.
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